Immediately upon arrival, students will need cash to cover whatever expenses may arise before they are settled in permanent living quarters and have opened a United States bank account. 外国学生一到美国,他们在长期住所住下来,并在银行开户之前即需要现款以支付一切必要的开支。
Farmers who can earn stable non-agriculture income exchanging the primary permanent tenancy rights for the account in modern security system with government; 获得稳定非农收入的农民以土地永佃权与国家交换现代社会保障体系中的社会保障帐户;
Hybrid magnetic bearing is a kind of magnetic bearing system which formed by combining electromagnetic bearings and permanent magnetic bearings. It takes into account the advantages of both electromagnetic bearings and permanent magnetic bearing. So it has been widely studied at present. 混合磁悬浮轴承是将电磁轴承与永磁轴承组合起来形成的一种磁悬浮轴承系统,它兼顾了电磁轴承和永磁轴承的优点,目前己被广泛研究。
The effect on the inductances of cross-coupling between the permanent magnet field and armature field is taken into account. 分析永磁磁场和电枢磁场之间相互作用对电感特性的影响。